Saturday, July 6, 2024


 I awoke to a nasty spark hitting my face. Everything was coming back to me. I'm a radio operator in a B-25 bomber somewhere over the Aegean sea. We were heading back to base after a mission. The plane was a lot lighter after dropping some bombs. The co-pilot spotted enemy aircraft using the sun to hide themselves. We were attacked by two Messerschmitt fighters. Their machine guns found us an easy target. We took heavy damage. I guess I was knocked out, but now I'm conscious.

The plane is sputtering. I can feel the vibrations as one of the engines is starting to shut down. I look towards the pilot seats. One of them is dead and the other is wheezing badly; not much time for him either. There's the whistling of air flowing through bullet holes and stains of blood around the cockpit. I cant hear anyone from the rear. Am I the only one left? 

As the adrenaline in my body is calming down. I come to the realization that I'm not alright either. I got bullet holes in me too. My arm is shredded. My crotch is bleeding badly from some sort of shrapnel. My face is hot from the electric arc of my now broken radio. There's no one out there to help me. The plane is miraculously flying, but not for long. The enemy pilots must think gravity will take care of it. I painfully cough up some blood. My whole body is in shock. I resign myself to die. 

"Quite a predicament you're in, aren't cha, human?" 

A little voice out of nowhere came through. I painfully craned my head around and saw a little green man with big ears and a mischievous grin. It was pulling some wires and fiddling with a burnt knob. It was my hallucination from the other day. I've heard crazy, unbelievable stories of Gremlins before, and now as I'm dying. I seen one. 

"It's too bad this human flying machine is broken now. I would have loved to study it more. No matter the dimension, You humans sure do love killing each other. But I got to thank you, young man. You saw me the other day and didn't chase after me or shoot me, like others do. I may be a monster, but I'm a scholar too. I love tinkering with gadgets and sometimes in my excitement, stuff breaks." 

I vaguely remember the little green fella. I thought it was in my imagination. Back on base, I had won against a Frenchman soldier in poker, a couple of bottles of Absinthe. Being put on guard duty at night. I would drink happily of the green liquid. The higher ups knew I had some, but they didn't care. Everyone was on edge cause of the War. And as long as I performed my mechanic tasks, did my rounds of patrolling and kept the radios working. I could get away with a lot. 

Over the next few nights, as I chipped away at the bottle. I had seen the Gremlin diving into different tool bags. Looking at wrenches, screwdrivers awls and sockets. Figuring out how ratchets work. It was a curious, excited, little thing. I saw it take apart a carburetor and freak out when it couldn't put it back. Even fully drunk, I could put it back together with ease. I finished what the little imp started and cleaned up after it. It's not like anyone would believe me if I told them that a little green man was loose and playing tricks on the base. They'd discharge me for Battle fatigue or send me to the crazy house.

All that thinking and remembering soon caused me more pain. My head felt heavier and I winced and shivered as I lost more bodily functions. 

"You poor human. Let me take that thing off your head." The little gremlin, no bigger than my hand, climbed up my body with its little claws. It hurt me more and I yelped in pain as it used an open wound to get a footing to unlatch my leather helmet from my chin. "Sorry about that, Gov. It's too bad I met a human like you too late. You have a tinkerer's soul like me. And I would've liked to see how you take gadgets apart......"

BOOOOM! The dying, broken, propeller on the wing finally gave out and a terrible explosion rocked the plane. A dead pilot fell forward on the controls. It helped the Bomber twist to its side even more as now it was finally taking its final descent to the bottom of the sea. 

I lurched back on my seat. I was too weak and injured to even try to make it to the escape hatch let alone putting on a parachute. My hallucination jumped off me and soon hung off a dangling wire. He was hanging in a weird angle as I knew the plane was crashing. I couldn't help but painfully sob and cry as broken ribs hurt as I let my flood of emotions out. 

"Goodbye little gremlin. Thank you for keeping me company as I perish. Leave me. I hope you escape somehow. Don't forget about me....." 

"Aww shucks human, don't look at me with those sad, puppy dog eyes!" The gremlin replied. "I cant do this often, as we gremlins also have rules and hierarchy to follow. I guess I can take you away with me, young man. But you must face the consequences. And I must take you to the Goblin King too. we'll need his blessing. I like to tinker with machines. But rarely I am allowed to tinker with human flesh. If you accept these rules, then say..... YES!"

As I mustered all my fear, pain and courage to survive, The plane hit the water at great speed. But upon my dry, dying, quivering lips a meek "yes" did come out. I was a dead man anyways. So why not indulge my hallucination.....

The plane shuddered and metal gave way as the crashing plane skidded off the waters surface. The Sea burst its way into the plane. My fading eyesight and graying tunnel vision soon saw the Gremlin do a funny dance as it's hands started to glow. 

Everything went gray and black around me. I could hear the waters swirling around us, yet we weren't getting wet. The plane was assuredly sinking. Time seemed to slow down. The hissing of the waters could be heard. Plane debris was floating everywhere. A strange magical air pocket was surrounding us. 

The Gremlin soon landed back on me. But he wasn't the size of my hand anymore. He was much bigger. It seemed heavier and at least three feet tall. The Gremlin poked and prodded me. It unbuttoned my jumpsuit where it could, or it ripped and teared cloth when a zipper or button wouldn't budge. Its green hands turned bloody as it fiddled with my wounds and slapped my face just to see my reactions. It was sizing me up. 

I was so weak from my death that I couldn't resist or push away the Gremlin as it started getting more violent and having its way with me. This sort of pain felt different than dying. It's fingers felt like knives, its grip devastating. The Gremlins face smiled with glee as it felt inspired by what he could do as it methodically tinkered with my flesh.

Its hands ripped off what little bit of my manhood I had. I could only stare in silent horror as he flung what was left of my dick towards the edge of the magical bubble we were in. The water soon took it away never to be seen again. As the gremlins hands prodded the vacant area between my legs, it pushed my swollen, injured balls into me. 

My body jerked and convulsed more as the Gremlin pulled out the excess intestines leaking out of me. Its claws snipped and reduced dead tissues in my abdomen. I felt incomplete as I glanced at the piles of bloody flesh that used to be me. I felt even more broken as it sliced and whittled excess bones. Or how it broke my humerus and femur into smaller pieces just to reattach them. It would choose and flick away all the little bones in my hands that he didn't want. My arms and legs felt stumpy. 

I was now almost the Gremlins current size. My torso was still big. But with its unnatural strength, it picked me up and threw me on my stomach onto the planes floor. With my back totally exposed, the gremlin dug its claws into my spine and started removing ribs and vertebrae shrinking me even further. It threw away my collapsed lung and split my remaining lung in two. Permanently giving me weak, shallow breaths.

By now, my body became used to the strange pain. Like if the pulling of old flesh made what little was left in me keenly aware. My old body was gone. But my head felt huge and disproportionate. Like a flower too heavy for its stem. I tried to muster the energy to speak, but the Gremlin on top of me shut me up. Its bloody hands covered my mouth.

"Don't speak Gov. I'm almost done with you. If you talk, you'll dispel the magic and we'll both drown. I've been tinkering with you for hours and we're already at the bottom of the sea. Bear with me, my creation. Soon we will be in my world and you'll never have to deal with your nasty human war ever again."

The Gremlins claws dug into my throat, I let out a stifled gag as he choked me. It's squeezing of my windpipe and trachea ensured that my voice would never be the same. 

In a strange defiance of how the Gremlin had been treating me, It gently cradled my still oversized head as it flipped me over onto my back. He was again on top of me. Despite our now smaller sizes, The Gremlin felt big, imposing, and powerful as he still had complete control over me. 

"Gov, this will be the hardest part to tinker with. I hope to leave your psyche intact as much as possible. I would like that. I don't want a brainless doll. I could use a companion, an assistant. Once this is done, a brand new world will await us....."

*!CRACK!* I felt a tremendous fist hit me, breaking my nose instantly. A second hit dislocated my jaw. An otherworldly grip was putting pressure and cracking my skull. Chunks of bone flew off like flint chips escaping. My face must have caved in. The Gremlin grabbed both my ears and pulled them apart with tremendous might. My eyesight got a red hue as blood fogged up my vision. My eyes struggled to stay open, but the worst feeling was that of my brain being picked away by dangerous, slender clawed, digits. 

I desperately wanted to scream. When will this crazy dream end?  But once again like when I was dying earlier, everything went to black. 


"Right this way Gov, we have an audience with our king" The Gremlin said. 

I was startled by his voice. The violent Gremlin that beat the hell out of me was holding my hand and guiding me in some sort of dank, dark palace. How long was I out? Where am I? What am I? I look down at myself......

My skin is blue? I have long blond hair and two gigantic ears poking out. I don't feel anything between my legs and I feel a definite jiggle on my chest under this strange armour I'm wearing. Do I have boobies? I'm trying to remember details about my past life and my memories are jumbled to say it nicely. I was human once. But now..... I think I'm a gremlin too? 

"I'm sorry to spring this on you Gov. I know you have a million questions. But there's things that must be done to ensure yours and mine's safety in this kingdom. I'm doing my best to protect you. Just follow my lead and don't do anything stupid in front of the Goblin King."

We soon make our way to a huge gate. Its being guarded by two Nasty looking orcs holding medieval battle axes. If I was human I would be terrified, but how I am now, I'm not. I'm strangely mellow. I set aside a pending identity crisis. As this new me has bigger issues to take care of. The Gremlin is still holding my dainty little hand as we make our way to a strange looking throne. I cant stop blushing.

Surrounded by more elite, monstrous guards, some nasty looking wolves and ghostly wights. An ominous black shadow solidifies into something vaguely human....

"HAIL THE GOBLIN KING!" The creatures shout in chorus. Their boisterous cheer hurt my ears. What have I gotten myself into? I think to myself. "KNEEL BEFORE THE GOBLIN KING!" The vassals commanded once again.

Gremlin pulls me down to the ground. It's a position of subservience. It hurt my shoulder as he pulled me closer to the floor. It's a pain I remembered a bit. Of what was done to me. 

"Isn't this a strange specimen!" The Goblin King spoke. I could feel threatening magic in his voice. The King gets closer to me, inspecting me. He seems to read me like a book.

I feel him undressing me with his eyes. It's creepy but I cant do a thing. " I feel a strange aura around the lass." The king grumbled. "What can she contribute to our monster kingdom?"

"She is a fine gremlin, sire!" Gremlin boasted. "I've seen to it. She's blue because I saved her with my magic when she was dying. She has pledged an oath to me and she will be a fine apprentice. Also with your approval, your blessing my Goblin King........Gov will be my bride." 


1 comment:

  1. Been working on this short story for a few days. I got the plot of half of it done the other day and the transformation part I just finished typing that today too.

    At first this had no picture. I was trying to look for one online a few days ago. But I doubt I would find a picture of a WW2 pilot transforming into a monster girl. And I suck at using AI prompts/programs. Some AI apps on android suck

    But this morning, to my luck as I was checking X/twitter, I found this pic and another one that would suit this story. So here it is. I hope you guys/gals like it.
