Sunday, June 21, 2015

The Goddess Spira

Woo hoo! my 100th blogger post! One hundred tales of fantasy and adventure! Took me a while to get here. I started this caption/story site as a companion to Nevermore University. Some of my more fantastical stories that didn't really fit over there. Of course genderbending is a main component of all these little stories of mine. So I guess I could have worked them in both together. But two caption sites are better than one!

I hope to see you guys and gals here when I get to 200! I hope I made lots of fans this past year. If you dont mind, Tell me how you found this site? Did you link through Nevermore University or did you just stumble on it? Like many obsessions, I do keep track of the sites that lead you to here, but Just for fun I want to see how you got here personally! Do you have a favorite? Or one that you want to see more of? Doesn't hurt to ask and maybe I'll just take up your idea.

Just like always, thanks for reading.


  1. I came here through Nevermore University.
    Catgirl #1 and Harpy Mommy are my absolute favorites of The World of Spiros so far. :)

    I'm a fan of your transformation descriptions, so I'd like to read more about the transformations itself. I also like your stories what happens after the transformation, but for me it misses a little bit, if the people are already transformed.

    And please don't stop writing your stories (Nevermore University + The World of Spiros). I really like them.

  2. I stumbled upon the Nevermore University when i was google searching a caption in 4chan about a guy who turns into a harpy mother.

    Amongst all your captions and works i'd say they would all be equally well done instead of choosing one out of the 100 captions youve made (congrats for reaching 100 blog posts ^^).the way the transformations are described and the characters feelings after/during the tf makes your captions extra juicy as it gives them a unique flare that is common among captioners who get really creative as they go along with turing their many amazing ideas into the captions we view everyday =w=

    So id like to tell you to keep up the good work and never stop capping even if others look down on you 0w0 as im sure we'd all be left feeling sad if you dissapeared off the net so suddenly(though i know you wont ;)).

    Good luck in your future endeavours as well!
