Sunday, September 29, 2024

Crossdresser Oni

 "You smell so delicious.....Almost as good as my wife." My Master cooed. His weight on the bed made the springs squeak as he crept over me. It's almost like I'm not even there. But here I am feeling like my Master's new toy. My chest quivers and my horns are itching with excitement. I feel so sexy and demure for my master. I should be scared, but dare I say I'm secretly excited for what's about to happen. 

To tell you the truth, I used to be a man. And it's all my fault for why I've turned into a woman. Master's new woman. I should have just donated all the sexy clothes. But I ended up keeping them. I realize they ended up changing me over these past few days and I think it's already too late to become human again. I'm enthralled and submissive to my new Master. 

My Master used to be my Boss. He was a huge guy even by human standards. He ran a shipping container business and I was one of his many employees. I got injured on the shoulder at my job one day and Boss was kind enough to make me his errand boy while I recovered. I liked him. He could have let me go, but instead he placed me somewhere else where I could still be useful. 

One day I was sent to his mansion to help Boss clean out some excess stuff in his many bedrooms. Boss told me to pack it up and donate all the extra clothes to charity. Boss' wife was going to be gone for a few years and Boss liked his home clean and uncluttered. I moved a lot of boxes to the Donation trucks, but I accidentally ended up keeping a few of them. 

But I'm a liar. I knew what was in them. So I purposely set them aside and was nervously excited for the new underthings. I'm glad nobody caught me. The delivery drivers wouldn't care and Boss doesn't need to know that I was going to wear his wife's undergarments. I've been a life long fanatic of cross-dressing and at my age I wasn't going to stop.

The three days off I had were a godsend. Boss told me that I could go to work moving pallets when I came back. Still no real heavy lifting. And he was worried a bit that the Donation job would hurt me. But I told him that I felt fine now. I was ready to help. But horny thoughts were growing in the back of my head...

I spent the first day trying all the hosiery, panties, girdles, bras and corsets. It was a sexy dream come true. It was all top of the line stuff too. Not like the old worn-out cheap stuff I've been wearing for years now. Everything was small and too tight. But it felt so good, suffocating and embracing wearing it. Trying on all my new things made my shoulder hurt a bit, but I couldn't stop. 

The spandex and corseted ribbed girdles squeezed my male chest so tight. The shapewear hid my stomach and had given me elegant curves. I could still see my male body underneath the layers of silk and nylon. But the fake skins of femininity on me gave me the biggest most raging boner of my life! 

I woke up on my bed wearing a pretty bra and panties. The bra stuffed with Boss's wife's dainties. A silky nightgown covered my skin. My lacy panties were tented by an excited morning boner. A whole day of depravity was lost in garmented bliss. 

I noticed a sweet, yet off smell on me. Fuck. I should have realized that some of the clothes may have not been washed in a long time. The scent of old perfume, deodorant and abandoned clothes. Not to mention my own sweat mixed in with Boss's wife's odors. It was enthralling. My nose was tickling with all the extra sensory inputs. 

I quickly took off all the female garments that I slept in. I plan to take a nice long shower and to start the process to wash every sexy piece of clothing in my new collection. My drying racks were going to look great with all those hanging panties on them.

Lost in the potential, as I headed to the bathroom, I was removing all the sexy layers of woman's clothes off me. The trail on the floor looked so hot, like if a lazy girl lived here. I checked out my body. It was red and welted from the insanely tight clothing. Straight bands that dug into my skin from the corseted plastic running down my back. Impressions left by the elastic girdles that held my male thigh flesh down. Pink indentations around the skin on my shoulders from the tight bras. Even the swell of my back between the shoulder blades felt tingly where my bra straps came together. 

A nice, warm shower really loosened up my skin and pores. I felt like I used a bit more shampoo on my scalp. If I had time, I would dig out my old wig to look even better wearing my new clothes. I found out I didn't need to shave after all. I thought I would have stubble on my arms, chest and legs after a whole day of debauchery. But I felt strangely smaller and femmy when I exited the shower. I even wore my towel over my chest like a real woman. 

The second day was stressing, yet uneventful. It was just taking care of all the new sexy undergarments. I separated what I felt was the smelliest female scented clothes and the stuff that looked barely worn. The washing machine was on delicate mode all day long. I let most of the sexy panties and bras air dry. I removed the inserts from the body shapers to hopefully dry them faster. I did double cycles on the clothes I cummed in. 

Despite all the washing, spot treating and fabric softener, I couldn't remove some of the lady's smells from the undergarments. I guess I'll have to get used to them. It made me giddy and horny knowing that I was wearing such sexy, provocative clothing that frankly was stolen by me. I felt a bit ashamed by betraying my Boss's trust. But the thought of wearing these sexy clothes after work for years to come, was just too good to stop.

On the third day, I had to go get food and pay off some bills and run a few errands around town. I had work again and I needed to make some lunches for the next few days. I had been happily wearing some cute panties and bras. For some reason either the wash or my stretching out the fabric, but all the girl clothes on me fit a whole lot better. My chest looked a little puffy too. I thought the corsets were pushing up extra skin and muscle. Even my hips had a little sway when I walked around my house. I looked sexy, I felt sexy, and I didn't care. 

And since I didn't care. I drove into town wearing a jogging suit. But underneath, I was wearing one of my favorite bras. A pretty slip and a thong so dangerously tiny, I had to take careful steps as to not let my dick escape as I walked. A sexy garter belt hung off my thighs. And connected to them were leggings so soft that my toes wiggled in bliss inside my tennis shoes. I combed my hair back as it was getting annoying seeing some bangs start to cover my face.

My forehead felt funny too. As I was combing my hair back, I could've sworn I felt two bumps on top of my scalp. Did I hit my noggin on my headboard as I was jacking off all night? I guess I'll have to be careful when I play with myself. 

It was now or never. I gathered the strength and went into the grocery store to buy some food. I'm sure that the people in the store were staring at me and calling me gay or something. I couldn't help but push the cart all sexy-like and I had trouble bending down and reaching for food high on the shelves. It would reveal my most dangerous secret. 

But I had to outstretch my arm to get something that was out of stock. I tried to adjust my sweater and pants so no one would see my girl clothes. And as I was about to grab a box of cereal....I lost my balance and fell on my butt! The cereal landed on top of my head comically. And yet I was smarting and rubbing my head in prideful embarrassment. It didn't hurt as much as my butt seemed to cushion my fall. Was my ass always this big? 

But fate had something else in store for little old me. Running towards me to pick me up off the floor was none other than my Boss! 

"Are you okay young la...lady? Kouhai? Is that you? I almost didn't recognize you in that getup. Is your old injury acting up? Let me help you up off the floor." 

I was shy and shocked as Boss picked me up without any effort. I wasn't really expecting him. I was nervous and mumbling, trying to get a word out. But something else happened that creeped me out and scared me. 

He was sniffing the air! His eyes shifted around, almost like looking for someone. He turned his eyes back at me and I got a full view of his face. His nostrils were huge and flaring. He almost looked like a bull, huffing and puffing. Was he sniffing me too? But I think it was just my imagination getting the best of me. 

I apologized to Boss and I told him I was fine. I told him I was just buying groceries when I lost my balance. I told him not to worry. But Boss was acting strange after that. He was following me around the store, on the pretext of keeping an eye on me. But I knew he was looking around for someone or something. It embarrassed me more, to no end, thinking that I was next to him wearing his wife's clothes while my boss was acting chivalrous and masculine. I couldn't say no to him loading up my trunk with all my shopping stuffs. 

I was shivering and hyperventilating on the drive home. Did my boss find out my secret? He's a very keen individual. He picks up on stuff real quick. He's gonna pester me with crazy questions when I get to work tomorrow. 

I was so scared and horny, that once I made it home, I changed into another sexy outfit and furiously played with myself for hours. The sexy lingerie fit me so well. But I was distracted and ignored things that I shouldn't have. My whole body tingled in coital bliss as I dirtied myself with my manspunk. I would change outfits again. But that sweet girly smell still lingered. 

I awoke the next day with two throbbing headaches. The area above my temple was on fire. The bumps on my head were bigger! I had to ignore that and move on. I'm sure I have a work baseball hat somewhere to hide the bumps. I peeled off my underwear. Sticky with my sweat and some old cum. 

I have to go to work. I went to my drawer with my men's underwear to try and put something on. But I felt disgusted with what I saw there. I just couldn't will my hands into that drawer. So I made my way into my pantie drawer and I ran out of clean underwear! Fuck! I look around the room and spot something that looks fairly clean. I didn't recognize it. It's an early pair that I must have forgotten to wash! I don't have time to look for another one. This will have to do. I groggily grabbed those sexy pair of panties. I shimmied those easily up my big thighs. And they hung nicely off my hips. I had no choice but to tolerate that sickenly sweet Boss' wife smell. 

I unclasped a girdle bra that had hooks on the front. My chest sagged a bit as the cups holding up some pre-boobies I had sunk lower on my body. I really wanted to wear a bra again. But I was afraid my co-workers would spot the lacy bra under my male dress shirt. I wore a camisole instead. Hoping that it looks masculine enough. If someone says something, I can tell them that I'm just flabby and I need to work out. 

I struggled yet again to put on my men's clothing. It felt so alien and wrong. Plus, it seemed two sizes too big. Was I shrinking? I know I haven't eaten very much these last few days. But I hope I don't look sick. I need to look good so my Boss doesn't fire me. So I roll up my sleeves and do the same with my pants legs. Hopefully I don't look too frumpy. Even the shoes I'm putting on seem a bit too big. I stuff my shoes with some panties so that at least my feet can feel something silky. 

As I do my perfunctory routine and drive to work, I'm on auto-pilot. I have to adjust the seats and the mirrors. Something is wrong with me. Getting to work is my goal. I need to see the Boss. The fear is still there. I roll the windows down and hope the city breeze calms my nerves. The slight wind tries to knock off my hat. But the poofy hair on my head that's almost down to my shoulders struggle to hold the hat down. 

Security doesn't recognize me as I make it to the gates. But the car checks out and my badge is still valid. I park my car and make my way inside. My coworkers see me and ask me if I'm okay. And I tell them I'm fine. But I know they're not buying it. My voice is too girly and I use that as an excuse that I might be coming down with a cold. 

I struggle to use the mobile pallet jack. The thing looks so imposing and huge. My tiny hands barely grip the forward handle. I sloppily finish my task of loading a truck. My belt keeps coming loose and my clothes almost seems to get stuck on the machine. I have to be more careful. 

"Kouhai!" It's Boss' voice over the loudspeaker." I need you to come to the office ASAP. 

I trudge my way over to the factory office where Boss is waiting for me. Even with my slow walking, I have a womanly gait. My coworkers glance over in awe and concern. They want to help. But they have their own quotas to deal with. I've been there before. I tremble and take a deep breath as I turn the knob to Boss's office. 

"I'm taking you home, Kouhai." Boss said. "Clearly you're not 100% right now and I cant have you endangering yourself and others here. Am I clear?" 

"Yes, Master." I reply. But I cant help but see that Boss' nostrils are flaring again. Is it out of anger or does he smell me again? With his huge, bulky body its hard to tell what his emotions are. 

"You're clearly in no way or shape to drive." Boss said. "I'm driving."

"I understand Master." I reply. I glance over at Boss's face. Something is up with his face too. I see two bumps on top of his head. His nose looks bigger. His eyes are starting to bulge. Is he taller too. Is he angry? He looks a little red? 

"Lets go Kouhai, We're taking the rest of the day off." There was a slur in his voice. Two big yellow teeth like ivory tusks were sticking out his jaw. He grabbed my arm and I was dragged along. I felt like paper. 

Soon we were in Boss' limo. I saw his driver nod at Boss and we were on our way. But something was wrong. My house was not in that direction. We weaved and stopped and then found a way to Boss' mansion. I wasn't sure why we were here. But I found myself unable to protest. Boss just dragged me over and dumped me onto a huge couch. He was ready to talk. He wasn't human anymore.

"You foolish, sissy human!" Boss snorted. "I gave you a simple task, but you blew it. But then again, I didn't expect you to have Oni blood coursing through your veins. No wonder I felt something weird when I hired you. No doubt you feel an attraction to me. The weak submit to the strong. You aren't a very great employee. But we Oni can have a powerful influence on weaker individuals. The truck that was meant for donations was a lie so my wife could pick up her things. She's in the demon realm right now. She called me to tell me that not everything arrived. I knew Kouhai became one of us when I saw you at the store. You donned her garb. My wife's essence changed you. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Master." Was all I could say. But in my head it all became clear. I've always felt weird growing up. I never really fit in among society. I'm part Oni, I guess? I thought my weirdness and mental disability was being gay and a crossdresser? I never felt like me. I was always felt like a piece of me was missing. But now, I strangely feel complete. I guess I could be an Oni. "If I can stay female like this, I'll do anything you wish for, Master."

"Oh and that you will, young Oni maiden!" Master proudly retorted. "My real wife will be gone for a few decades. She owes me a huge favor for letting her go to the Demon Realm. She's off to fight for her right to the throne. And she's allowed me to take a concubine to keep me company while she's gone. You look just like her when we first courted. But there's some lingering humanity inside you. You still need to ripen some more. Give up that part of you and embrace what you were born to be."

The giant red skinned ogre rushed towards me and planted an evil, huge, and sloppy kiss on my lips. It's teeth, saliva and tongue invaded my mouth. Oni magic rushed inside me. I can feel a ramped up shock spread all over. Something was growing inside me. 

"That kiss means your mine, Kouhai. Now and forevermore. No wife of mine will wear dingy men's clothing anymore. Now go up those stairs and get dressed. I have something there that I like and I want you to wear it."

"Yes Master." That phrase seems to be a permanent part of my vocabulary now. My Oni instinct took over and I made my way up the stairs. The room I led myself to was grandiose. I looked around and found a large bed and a dresser drawer. I could feel something magical behind those doors. It smelled like all the female clothes I've been wearing lately. My chest ached. Almost like a desire to wear what's in that closet. But something inside seemed to tell me....'not yet.'

With an unnatural strength I found myself tearing apart my old male clothes. leaving a drab pile on the floor. I flicked away my old shoes too. I gently took off my panties. The cap on my head came off too. Long locks of blue hair cascaded down to my back. I failed to notice that it had two holes poking through. I traced my fingers around it and then my hands went to my forehead. Two pointy horns were on top of my head now. They parted ways through my blue bangs of silky hair. These horns truly made me an Oni.

My chest felt even tighter now. And heavier. I cupped my hands and mushed the meat under my camisole. It strained under the stretched fabric. It was much bigger now than when I woke up this morning. I was denying them in the morning when I woke up. But there's no mistake that I have breasts now. Their weight and pertness were just begging, yearning to be free. I pulled the camisole up off my generous rack, slightly getting stuck on my horns but quickly set aside....

I stared down at my sexy jutting protrusions, my eyes barely catching a glance at their heft. Never have I seen such beautiful breasts and now they're mine and my Masters. I traced the curves of my sides and did my best to follow the contour of my hips and my butt and thighs were sexy compliments to my generous bust and surely beautiful face.

I now understood what Master meant by ripening. My body was adjusting to Masters magic. Master likes busty curvy women. My voluptuousness wasn't to Masters liking yet. I also felt like I had been growing taller too. I was no longer a shy, scrawny human. But a taller, sexy, Oni. 

I finally felt worthy of the clothing behind the closeted doors. I pulled it and it satisfyingly creaked open. Hanging inside was a plasticky, vinyl suit, a bowtie and bunny ears. The magic flowing through me demanded that I put them on. I placed them on my body and somehow the magic in me braided my hair. All of this would just seem ridiculous in hindsight. It was a strange garb, but not anymore wrong than what I used to wear when I was human. It was my Masters wishes, anyways.

I made my way to the bed as I rolled up the leggings and inserted my legs and feet into the fabric. It felt so sensual pulling them up my genuinely feminine legs. The elastic hugged my hips so well it definitely was a sultry second skin. 

The vinyl corset was surely magical. I placed it on my stomach, and the material seemed to suck and stick to my skin. The black material slunk beneath my boobies and crept its way up covering my nipples.  I could feel it close on my back forcing my spine to curve and stick my already ridiculous breasts out even farther. 

Then I sensed him. My master. He was coming up the stairs and into the bedroom to fuck me and complete me. I had fallen back on the bed. My body tingling in anticipation. My arms slinged back. My breasts heaving in the air. My ass grinding the mattress. Wriggling and finding the best position. I had barely put on the funky suit, but knowing that it will be coming off soon. 

I am his woman now and I'm ready. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Succubi-side B

Ok. Here's the same pic but now from a different perspective. The previous post was from the guys' point of view, and this one is from the Succubus' experience. A couple of days ago I was brainstorming on how to come up with the story from the pic. I was debating on the view of one or the other. But why not do both? So This is what I came up with. 

Hopefully its still readable. I had to use a smaller font because once again the story was getting away from me. Now imagine if the last caption and this one were one story. It would have been quite long and I would have to move things around so it wont seem so convoluted. 

Anyways, what did you think about it. Seeing the same pic but from two different places? 

Catch you on the next one.